Soul Grind
A great grind for beginners and experts alike, easy enough to do on a small gutter and still impressive when done on a big hand rail. The soul grind is where you slide along a rail or step with the outer edge of your boot or soul of your skate and your other foot slides between the middle wheels. (some skates may have to be altered to perform this grind)
1 - If you are a beginner start this one by finding a waxed gutter, step or low pole as the grind can feel a little disorientating when you first try it as your feet are facing different directions.
2 - Next you have to find out which of your feet is your natural soul foot, this would be the foot you would more easily roll along on one foot with. Although some people change their natural foot even after months of practice on the other one.
3 - Now you have decided which foot you would like to learn soul grind on. Roll along parallel to the rail / step and place your chosen soul foot onto the rail / step while your other foot is still rolling beside it. Do this until you feel confident that you can hook your soul onto the edge every time.
4 - This time roll along beside the rail put your soul foot on and when you feel yourself sliding, lift the rolling foot off the ground so that all your weight is on your soul foot.
5 - Now try the grind and when you start to slide put the foot that was rolling, on the rail, in front of the other foot with the rail in between your middle wheels. This is a soul grind.
6 - Once you have this much perfect try jumping onto the rail with both feet at once. If you can do this now you are good enough to try it on a higher rail.
7 - When you're ready to jump onto a bigger rail there's a different way of looking at how to jump onto the grind. Instead of jumping up onto the rail, think about how you want to look on the rail and what height you want to be when you're grinding, jump up to the rail (not as high as usual) and when your head is at the height you want it to be over the rail lift your feet up to the rail, this gives you time to spot your feet onto the grind.
8 - This also carries over to ramp skating where you would normally place your feet in the soul position the coping this time turn into the grind a little earlier and lower, lifting your feet up to the grind.
To make sure you're sitting properly on the grind ensure that about 70% of your weight is on your soul foot.
Look at pictures of the skaters that you would most like your soul to look like theirs and think about how they are positioned, from their knees to the ways their arms are positioned find a quiet spot where you won't look silly and practice your stance.