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this page tells you how to make ramps wax halfpipes and more hope it helps


making grind wax

If you want to make grind wax here is how to do it.

First you will need an empty can of baked beans,a candle,vasiline,vegitable oil,and soap.

1. Put a table spoon of vasiline into the bottom of the empty bake bean can

2.Get the candle and snap it into lots of little pieces and put it in so it fills 3 1/4 of the can.

3. Snap the soap into pieces then put some of it into the can then put a table spoon of vegitable oil over it.

4. Put it in the oven on 180 degrees for half an hour then get it out and let it cool down.

make sure u do NOT put it in the microwave or your kitchen will be nice and waxed.

making a ramp

Tools and Materials

you will need::

1 piece of 12mm thick Plywood at least 600mm by 1200mm (exterior grade plywood)

1 piece of 6mm thick Plwood 970mm by 600mm (exterior grade plywood)

building timber 45mm by 35mm by 576mm (x3) (framing timber)


1 electric saw

1 drill

nails & screws

Plane or electric plane
